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We have vacancies in both our Main and Training Bands for players of any age and ability.
Visit the Training Band page or Contact us here
A Band in Lockdown
In April 2020, Banding came to a complete halt as the country was put into a lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
However, with the help of Callington Rotary, members began having "Zoom" chats, every Thursday, this proved popular with several members and became a new routine and something to look forward to, especially during the long winter evenings.
After several zoom discussions, we decided to have a go at making a socially Distanced recording. Thank you to Graeme for his skills in putting together the video of members and guests performing Slaidburn, a popular March by William Rimmer.
Socially Distanced Rehearsals
In October 2020, some restrictions had eased enough to enable members of the band to play in a smaller number and socially distanced.
Callington Town Hall has been our venue for this due to the larger space and ability to ventilate the building.
News Update! July 2021 - written by Shirley Morse
While agreeing that 'fingers crossed' is not the best advice to give to someone playing a musical instrument, Callington Town Band has definitely had that in mind, as they met for 'socially distanced' rehearsals over the past few weeks, hoping everything pretty well returns to ‘normal’ come 19th July.
When guidance allowed, Callington Town Hall became the venue for Main Band rehearsals under our Musical Director, Malcolm Reeves, as it provided adequate space and ventilation.
The Main Band is looking forward to once again playing engagements and would welcome new members. We are a small, friendly, non-competing band and the picture shows us rehearsing in the Town Hall. We are open to anyone who wishes to come and play, from novice to skilled performer. No matter what age or ability, we will find a seat for you. Instruments can be loaned free of charge to members, following a "taster period" to try one out.
If you would like to join the Main Band or for any enquiries regarding our Training Band, please contact our Secretary, Shirley Morse on 01579 384728 or email: shirleyamorse@gmail.com or just come along to a rehearsal.
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings in the Heritage Centre Band Room, Liskeard Road, Callington PL17 7HA. Learners from 6.00pm to 6:25pm, Training Band is 6.30pm until 7.15pm and Main Band from 7.30pm until 9.30pm.